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Contingent: Residential Coach


Type of Position:  As Needed, Day and/or Evening Hours


Location:  Detroit, Michigan




Haven Homes of Detroit a 501 (c)(3) is a transitional home with four beds in Detroit for women leaving human trafficking or commercial sexual exploitation 


Our mission is to offer hope and healing to women who have suffered from being Human Trafficked or subjected to commercial sexual exploitation. Haven is an 18–24-month rent free transitional program that aims to empower women to maintain sobriety, gain skills for independent living, and find employment. 


Residential Coaches will work alongside the Program Director, Program Coordinator, and Lead Residential Specialist to implement best practices for trauma informed care and execute standards of residential care and therapeutic programming for survivors of human trafficking, and commercial sexual exploitation. 


Primary Responsibilities of Residential Coach Position 

• Support tracking residential therapy 

• Assist with implementation of programs i.e., life skills, hygiene, nutrition, in-home activities.

• Provide support through care services

• Responsible for transportation to and from therapy and scheduled appointments

• Ensure all policies and protocols are being followed and documented to create safety and stability for all Residents  

• Maintain a working knowledge of significant developments and trends in the area of Human Trafficking, Sobriety Support, and Trauma-Informed Care/Resiliency  


Required Attributes, Credentials, and Experience:

• Must embrace the mission of Haven Homes of Detroit and live out compassion for all people with a passion for working with victims of sexual trafficking, prostitution, and addictions.  

• Ability to work with women who have experienced severe trauma 

• Experience working with survivors of Human Trafficking/Commercial Sexual Exploitation 

• Strong ability to self-regulate emotions during a crisis or intense emotional situations 

• Flexible schedule 

• Strong communication skills



Preferred Experience:

• Bachelor’s degree (may be in-process) in Social Work, Counseling, Human Services, or related field experience 




• Lived Experience or understanding of trauma informed care, sobriety support, and physical, mental, and sexual abuse 




© 2021-2025 by Haven Homes of Detroit

PO Box Unit 14828, Detroit, MI 48214


Phone: + 313-733-1201


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Haven Homes of Detroit is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit

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